RI Water Resources Board “Know your Watering IQ” Quiz

1. How much water is needed to keep your lawn healthy?

a. No more than one inch per week Try this question again!
b. About three inches per week
c. More than five inches per week

     I'm not sure. Review Lawn Maintenance Guidelines

2. When is the best time of day to water your lawn?

a. During the afternoon or at the hottest point of the day
b. In the morning before it heats up Try this question again!
c. It makes no difference what time you water your lawn

     I'm not sure. Review Lawn Maintenance Guidelines

3. Over watering your grass:

a. is unhealthy for your lawn because it causes run-off and drowns the nutrients
b. strains the water resource infrastructure and jeopardizes the sustainability of Rhode Island's water supply
c. Both a & b Try this question again!

     I'm not sure. Review Lawn Maintenance Guidelines


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